Lost two championship games

In the first championship game we had beat this team twice and in the beginning of the game we were losing by one run but going into the third inning we had scored four runs that inning and we were winning 6-3 and then they tie the score 6-6 but they only had one out and a runner on third and they hit a pop fly to the outfield and of course the runner will tag up and score so now we are losing 7-6 and we are in the last inning still losing but now the score in 8-7 and I’m the third batter in the inning and I’m just hoping that one of two people in front of me gets on base, but of course they both get out and now its up to me to try to get a base hit the first two pitches are balls and the next one is strike and there is another ball so the count is 3-1 and then I hit a foul ball and now the count is full, then I hit the ball and it looked like it was going through the fielders but then the third baseman got the ball and threw me out and we lost the game 8-7.

In the season so far we have gone undefeated for 10 straight game. In the whole season there was only one game that we had to make a huge comeback in the late innings, so we were losing 7-3 and f they get three outs the games it over and we had scored 4 runs to at least tie the game and we have 2 outs and a runner on second all we need is a base hit in the outfield and the run scores and win and of course that happens and win. Back to the championship game the whole game is going back and forward and the score is 6-10 and we score 2 more runs and I’m up to bat and I hit the ball off the top of the fence but at the end we lost.


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